After the AP Assembly’s resolution against Telangana and the stated position of CM KiranKumar Reddy, the central Govt. seems to be taking a fresh view of law and order issues in Hyderabad as the bill is prepared for introduction in Parliament. While the developments in AP assembly have no bearing on the fate of T Bill, they did raise the tempers among Pro and Anti Telangana activists. Added to this is the CM’s partisan approach, which may reflect in policing at this crucial juncture. So the Centre is taking no chances and is sending K Vijay Kumar, Sr. Security advisor in Union Home Ministry to Hyderabad for few days to access ground level situation and recommend measures to control law and order in AP, especially Hyderabad, as the T Bill gets discussed and passed in Parliament.
Mr Vijay Kumar earlier headed the task force to look into the same issue while preparing the GoM report. He seems to be continuing in that role till Telangana is formed.
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