Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy is seems to be planning to test his own political strength in coming weeks. It is leant that he is overwhelmed by the pressure from Lagadapati Rajagopal, Undavalli Arunkumar and others to launch a new party. According to some sources CM’s insiders ordered flags, posters, flexi’s, etc to take off the launching whenever the dates finalised.
According to one Congress leader from Seemandhra, CM unveil his plans in the last week of January itself. He said that Kiran is contemplating to put up candidates in Telangana, along with Seemandhra. People like Thurpu Jayaprakash Reddy may sail with Kiran in Telangana, he opined.
Kiran Reddy is bent up on to spoil the Jagan’s easy walk in Rayalaseema and some Seemandhra packets, he analysed. If Kiran launches party he will do damage to Jagan’s party, like PRP to TDP in 2009 elections. TDP is bound to revive its fortunes if Kiran could split some votes from Jagan’s vote bank.
And also Jagan is said to be doing the same mistakes once Chiranjeevi’s party done during 2009 elections. Pricing of tickets making rounds in political circles. Along with falling of the Jagan’s popularity graph, Chandrababu’s graph is climbing upwards, told an analyst from Vijayawada.
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